Hola a tod@s
Google Maps si repara los errores, y lo hace bastante rápido.
Hace dos dias envie un reporte y ya me han respondido que mi reporte es correcto.
Por lo tanto, vale la pena pedir que lo arreglen. En mi caso he informado unos errores cerca de la M50 porque utilice google maps y me envio a cualquier sitio.. y me prometí informarlo.
Thank you for reporting this problem. We've reviewed your problem and you were right! The default view in Google Maps has already been updated to reflect your suggested change, as shown below.
Correct name: Calle Segunda
Depending on the nature of the problem you reported, it may take some time for the update to appear on other products and services such as driving directions, Google Maps for Mobile, and Google Earth. If you see an issue with the way we fixed your problem, please feel free to send us another note. Thanks for helping us to improve Google Maps!
Thanks for helping us to improve Google Maps!