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jake hanson
28/02/2005 21:04

Hi all!

¿Eres inglés o americano? ¿Quieres quedar para conocernos?

632 lecturas | 2 respuestas
Hi all…

And specially Jo…

What surprise to find another foreigner!. Don’t worry for the delivery. It seems that it will be next month, but in Spain things are like that. I also agree about the party, since it would be nice to know to the rest of neighborhood.

By the way, are you English or American? It would be nice that we could to have an appointment, especially now that we are going to be neighbors. What a chance!


02/03/2005 19:02

Jake sólo ha dicho que es extranjero, no ha dicho en ningún momento que sea inglés o americano con lo cual, no tiene porque ser de Vallecas.

Jake, I dont know if you speak enough Spanish to understand what I have just written. Matrix is just saying that you are Spanish because of some mistakes in your message.
28/02/2005 23:55
el "what surprise" y el "could to have" delatan tu origen vallecano.

Fin del hilo
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