davidyveronica dijo:
... y que nivel de seguridad tienen?
Un saludo y gracias.
Esto lo he sacado del pdf en inglés que se puede descargar de la web de los fabricantes, yo personalmente me pierdo un poco pero me imagino que te refiers a esos baremos no?:
Quality Management System
ISO 9002, IQNet and
AENOR, Spain
Registered Firm Certificate, AENOR, Spain
Burglar resistance ; DD ENV 1627:1999 Ranked=3 (ACORAZADA MODEL) Burglar resistance ; DD ENV 1627:1999 Ranked 2 (ARIAN SERIES) Hermetic for air, water and wind ; ATM, France
Thermal isolation – ; CEBTP, France, the final result is:
Umoyen=1.61 W/m2.K
Acoustic isolation – ; ATM , France, the final result is
Rw= 31 (-2 ;-4)dB
Hygienic certificate – ; National Institute of Hygiene,
Technical Approval - ITB, Poland ; the doors are
accepted for construction use as exterior and interior
entrance doors
Corrosion – ; ITB, Poland
Acoustic isolation – ; ITB, PSBC, Poland ; the final result
is Rw= 31-32 dB during tests and by the rules PN-
87/B-02151/03 Rw=27 dB
General functions, use, resistance, hermetic , flat of
leaf, of edges, etc., ITB PCBC, Poland
Security certificate – ; MABISZ, Hungary