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22/10/2008 20:09

Semianrio Lucha contra el Sobreendeudamiento

¿Cómo combatir el sobreendeudamiento de las familias en Europa?

1.984 lecturas | 0 respuestas
Estimados Srs,

el martes 28 celebramos el Seminario Internacional ´El sobreendeudamiento de las familias en una Europa en crisis´. A continuación el programa en inglés, que nos resultaba más fácil de pegar. La versión en castellano en pdf la encontrarán en nuestra página web www.adicae.net, junto con el formulario de inscripción. Vendrán hasta cincuenta expertos de toda Europa, pertenecientes a la ECDN, Asociaciones de Inmigrantes y otras organizaciones sociales y de consumidores, además de autoridades a las que podremos aprovechar para sacar los colores.

Reciban un saludo,

Mr. Manuel Pardos - President of ADICAE
Ms. Etelvina Andreu Sánchez - General Directorate for Consumer´s Affairs, Ministry of Health and Consume
Ms. Carmen Martínez de Sola - General Directorate for Consumer´s Affairs, Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid

Inaugural panel - The Credit Crisis, a global problem for consumers
"Overindebtness and Financial Exclusion in Europe"
Mr. Hans Grohs, President of ASB-Schuldnerberatungen and Chairman of ECDN
"Credit and Overindebtness in Latinamerica"
Mr. Crisólogo Cáceres, Vicepresident of ASPEC and member of the Latinamerican Consumer´s Council
"Mortagage Crisis in Spain, main cause of consumer´s overindebtness"
Mr. Manuel Pardos - President of ADICAE, member of Financial Services Consumer Group and CNMV Consultative Commission

Coffe-break - During break: "Sobreendeudats" a documentary produced by AICEC-ADICAE

Round Table - Fighting against overindebtness. Public measures and mediation
Chaired by Mr. Fernando Herrero Sáez de Eguilaz - Vicepresident of ADICAE
Ms. Celina Menaza - President of UCE-Euskadi
Ms. Mercedes César Pérez - Coordinator of the Consumer´s Information Agency of Móstoles
Mr. Gustavo Fajardo Celís - AESCO, Association America-Spain Solidarity and Cooperation
Mr. Alejandro Salcedo - Coordinator of the Consumer´s Affairs Institute of Castilla La Mancha

Panel: "Family Budgets Managment as preventives measures"
"Use of SB as debt-counselling tool in Europe"
Albert Luten - NIBUD (Holland)
"Minimum income standards: An important tool to fight against poverty"
Donald Hirsch - Loughborough University, UK
"New Consume Models in Spain "
Santiago Pérez - Coordinator of the Mortgage Crisis Victims´ Platform

LUNCH - Cocktail in Social and Economic Council of Spain

Legal measures for the overindebted. Ineffectiveness of spanish bankruptcy procedure
Ms. Gema Botana, Civil law professor at the European University of Madrid

Round Table- Spanish experiences on familiar budgeting as debt-counselling and debt-settlement tool
Chaired by Juan José Manchado - Coordinator of ADICAE Madrid
Ms. Isabel Ávila Fernández-Monge - President of CEACCU
Ms. Inger Berggren - President of Women´s World Bank
Ms. Nieves Álvarez - Escuela Europea del Consumidor (Cantabria)

Concluding remarks - European Manifesto against overindebtness and credit abuse

Fin del hilo
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