hay algo de información en la web del arquitecto. El texto (en inglés) es el siguiente.
Living Madrid:
Living Madrid is a residential development located south of Madrid and north of the M40 perimeter highway ring. The 144 apartments distributed over two -six and one nine-story building are linked by a submerged car park.
Organized around a series of horizontal “strips” that run east to west across the site, the complex facilitates the disparate elements within surrounding area into a coherent urban grouping, whilst at the same time extending the benefits of inner city living to the rest of the main volumes on the site, every “strips” divides the area in such a web as to enable pedestrian access into its depth whilst assisting in defining and enhancing the immediate area.
Optimizing orientation, space, natural ventilation and views, the project is positioned along an east west axis to take advantage of southern daylight penetration into each apartment.
Each apartment is linearly arranged with an open private terrace that forms the main entrance to each apartment. This terrace also operates as a collective private space at the most public position within the apartment.
Forming an undulating landscape, the surfaces of the complex are neither landscape nor building, neither natural nor artificial ; they exist between park and city.
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